Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach - Verkauft

Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!
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Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!
Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!Chris van Dijk - ​​Stroll on the beach kaufen? Bieten Sie von 280!
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  • Beschreibung
  • Chris van Dijk (1952)
Art des Kunstwerks Malerei
Jahr 2020
Technik Ölgemälde
Träger Marouflé
Stil Impressionistisch
Gerahmt Nicht gerahmt
Maße 50 x 40 cm (h x b)
Signiert Hand signiert
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​​Professional artist Chris van Dijk. Born in 1952, Den Bosch ( Bois le Duc ), The Netherlands ( Pays Bas ). Moved with his parents to The Hague at the age of two. Later after he married his wife Ankie Mooiman in 1974, they lived in Gorinchem. Since 1978, Chris has devoted his life to creating his paintings, which, true to their Impressionist inspiration, focus on plein air scenes: at the beach, in the forest, or in the beautiful wine and poppy fields. 

Friends living in the 'Parc naturel regional du Morvan', Bourgogne, made him aware of a lovely house with a fantastic studio. In 2017 Chris and his wife Ankie decided to move from the Dordogne to the Bourgogne in France.​​

In the summer Chris can often be found on the French, Dutch and sometimes also on the Italian beaches to paint and draw people on the beach. ​Like the works of Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and August Renoir, the paintings of Chris van Dijk often feature woman and children but he paints also animals like horses and swans. He can be considered as one of the most importent impressionists of the 21e century'.
His paintings are sought by art collectors worldwide . Most scenes look unposed, as if the subjects were caught unawares. Most of the time, the people in his paintings look away from the viewer, engrossed in their daily activities, such as playing in the sand on the beach, walking in a landscape picking wildflowers and poppies. They seem to be at home in their natural surroundings. Chris van Dijk's impressionist paintings are a celebration of the beauty of nature and life.

In 2016 Chris starts his ongoing art project  "paintings that could have been made" . these are subjects that would have been perfectly
suitable for being painted in earlier times.

"Art has nothing to do with ugliness or sadness.  Light is the life of everything it touches, so the more light in a painting, the more life, more truth, more beauty." 

Chris van Dijk is a registered artist at the National Service for Art History in the Netherlands.
​( RKD Rijksdienst voor kunsthistorische documentatie )​
ZustandSehr gut
Preis> 10 kg oder mehr als 1,00 x 0,50 Meter
Innerhalb von Frankreich 17,00 €
ExtraBei einem Kaufbetrag über € 500,- Euro zahlen Sie einen Zuschlag von (maximal) € 7,50 Euro für zusätzlich versicherten Versand

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Chris van Dijk (1952) 

Niederländisch Niederländisch

Angeboten durch  GalleryFrance
Mitglied seit 2020
5 verkaufte Lose
Alle Lose von diesem Anbieter (0)
40 cm
50 cm