- Originele, omstreeks 1890/1900 hand-ingekleurde 'pochoir' in Art Deco stijl van de veelzijdige Franse kunstenaar Emile Coriolan Hippolyte GUILLEMIN (1841-1907). Dit fraaie art-deco ontwerp is uitzonderlijk goed geconserveerd en heeft nog mooie, diepe kleuren, typisch voor deze art Deco tijd. Beeld/Bladmaat van de voorstelling is 35 x 35cm. Rechtsonder met potlood gesigneerd.
- Émile Coriolan Hippolyte Guillemin (16 October 1841 – 1907) was a French artist (mainly) sculptor of the Belle Époque. He worked in bronze. He studied under his father, the painter Auguste Guillemin, and under Jean-Jules Salmson He showed work at the Salon of Paris from 1870 to 1899, and in 1897 received an honourable mention there. In 2008 his 1884 bronze sculpture Femme Kabyle d'Algerie and Janissaire du Sultan Mahmoud II (Kabyle woman from Algeria and Janissary of Sultan Mahmound II) sold for $1,202,500 plus auction fees in New York to a private collector through Sotheby's Auction House.
Some versions of his Cavalier Arabe are signed both by him and by Alfred Barye, suggesting a collaboration.
Emile Coriolan Hippolyte Guillemin made his debut in the Paris Salon of 1870 where he exhibited a pair of Roman Gladiators, Retaire and Mirmillon, drawn from antiquity. Guillemin specialized in figurative works and was greatly inspired by the Middle East and its exoticism. Representations of Indian falconers, Turkish maidens and Japanese courtesans firmly established Guillemin's reputation as an Orientalist sculptor from the mid-1870's.
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