Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands"

Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands" kopen? Bied vanaf 10!
Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands" kopen? Bied vanaf 10!Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands" kopen? Bied vanaf 10!Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands" kopen? Bied vanaf 10!Leo Jansen - krijtpastel tekening - couples art wedding- "holding hands" kopen? Bied vanaf 10!
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  • Omschrijving
  • Leo Jansen
Type kunstwerk Grafiek (handgesigneerd)
Periode 1945 t/m 1999
Gesigneerd Handgesigneerd

Leo Jansen (1930-1980), born in Holland, moved to Indonesia when he was ten and there began his craft by sketching bronze-skinned Malaysian girls for leisure. He returned to the Netherlands to study at the Academy of Art then gravitated to Paris, establishing himself as a portraitist of considerable talent. In 1962, he arrived in New York before eventually settling in southern California. For eighteen years, he was commissioned by Playboy Magazine to paint the “Playmate of the Month.” In his first six years, he was the artist chosen to paint 58 out of 72 portraits.
He also made portraits of Raquel Welch and the Hearst family, even so of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Because of the softness and light with which he infused his portraits, he was chosen by several companies to do commemorative plates. Jansen is, perhaps, best known throughout the United States and Europe for his Mother’s Day plates and puppies plate series. His untimely death from an apparent heart attack (on December 20, 1980) at 50 years of age brought an end to a brilliant talent.

H 63 cm  - W 47 cm

Framed with plexi glas.

Afhalen Het werk is af te halen op locatie. Als koper dient u zelf verpakkingsmateriaal mee te nemen. De locatie is: Zottegem, België
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Leo Jansen

Geplaatst door  woestijn007
Lid sinds 2017
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