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Twentse Kunstkring

Founded in 1934 - dissolved in 1945


Twentsche Kunstkring

The Twentsche Kunstkring arose from the Twentse Drawing Club, which was dissolved in 1918, a group that was unique for Enschede at the time because of its socially mixed company. Since Twente had a strong rural culture, the artists of the Twentsche Kunstkring often painted in nature, following the example of the Hague School. In addition, model painting was also popular within this group. The factories and workers that Twente was rich because of the large textile industry, on the other hand, were painted less. In 1945 there was a split from the Twentsche Kunstkring of members who found the group too elitist. This gave rise to the Nieuwe Groep, and this ultimately meant the end for the Twentsche Kunstkring. The group was disbanded at the end of the 1950s.