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Henk Schiffmacher (Harderwijk, 1952) comes from a Catholic butcher family in Harderwijk. From a young age he had a predilection for drawing and collecting. He had little interest in school. He wanted to become a painter. His first sketches and drawings found their way to the houses and bedrooms of uncles and aunts and Schiffmacher won annual drawing competitions. His artistic ambition led to a short period at the Reclame School REX on Frederiksplein in Amsterdam in the early seventies.
He practiced many professions in the mid-seventies, such as: screen printer, window dresser, typographer and reportage photographer for Nieuwe Revu. In 2000 he got a retrospective exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum Zwolle. Henk Schiffmacher gives many exhibitions and collaborates on exhibitions in museums, such as the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam, the TextielMuseum in Tilburg, the Westfries Museum in Hoorn and the Teylers Museum in Haarlem
Schiffmacher is very active in the field of tattoos and during his travels he collected all kinds of items related to the history of tattooing.
Henk calls painting an unprecedented luxury. He doesn't have to take into account the taste of others. In his painting, his origins as a tattoo king can often be found: the colored images are bordered by thick black lines.
He has tattooed the following people, among others: The members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers - The members of Pearl Jam - Kurt Cobain - Barry Hay - Willy DeVille - Herman Brood and Xandra Jansen - Anouk - Robbie Williams - Lady Gaga. On November 5, 2011, the Amsterdam Tattoo Museum opened, the largest tattoo museum in the world and is dedicated to the mother of all arts: tattooing. At its foundation is the unique collection that Schiffmacher has assembled in more than thirty years. The collection consists of hundreds of tattoo machines and hand tools, countless photos, flash (tattoo examples), paintings, drawings, sculptures and even pieces of tattooed skin.
Condition: In excellent condition
Publisher: Henk Schiffmacher
If you are the highest bidder, you will receive an invoice for the works you purchased by email after the auction. This will contain details regarding payment and handling. When shipping: Registered and insured.