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Beautiful series of lithographs with beautiful intense deep colours. This series of lithographs was personally given to us by the artist as a thank you for services rendered and does not belong to a commercially released series.
1. Check - 1990
2. Bad Swing - 1990
3. Air Attack - 1991
4. Balance - 1991
5. "500" - 1992
6. Duel - 1992
7. Spike - 1992
8. Yellow - 1992
Title Balance has spots (misprint), rest looks good.
Robert Weller (“Ortho”) Owen, born 29-1-1953 in Nakina (Ontario, Canada) and died 11 August 1994 in Amsterdam, draftsman, painter, lithographer and silkscreen printer. Education: Ontario College of Art, Toronto.
Ortho Owen became known for his drawings and paintings of athletes in action. He made long journeys through Europe and eventually settled in the Netherlands (Amsterdam), where he had a studio in the Albert Cuypstraat for 10 years. Here, in addition to his 'sports paintings', he made large oil paintings with comic-like, surrealistic representations with influences from Pop Art and Francis Bacon.
Ortho Owen died in 1994 at the age of 41, ten years after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. He was buried in Aylmer, Ontario, Canada.