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16 litho's van Theo Tobiasse uit de map Diaspora. De totale map bestond uit 20 werken. Nummer 6,7,8 en 20 missen. Nummer: 59/135. Afmetingen voorstelling: H46 x b60 cm. Alle litho's zijn met de hand gesigneerd en genummerd.
1. In the Synagoge; 2. The Gift of the Torah; 3. I feel Jerusalem like a part of myself; 4. When the Torah dances with the Rabbi; 5. A Jewish peddler in New York; 9. Agar and Ishmael chased by Abraham; 10. Assembly of notable Rabbis in a Lithuanian village in the 16th century; 11. Jacob and his family arrive in Egypt; 12. Story of Moer Hagola- light of Exil; 13. Grapes of Canaan; 14. Seder; 15. Exodus (lower blank margin dam.); 16. You are gracious my friend, like Jerusalem; 17. A violin tune leads us out of Mitzraim; 18. Men arrive from their past; 19. Jews chased from Moscow