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On this page you will find the auctions that have been launched today. Please use the handy search filters on the left side of this page to further narrow down the results according to your preferences.

Buy Koen Vanmechelen - The eye of the needle? Bid from 1095!
Koen Vanmechelen (1965) Belgian The eye of the needle
Technique Offset
Dimensions 68 x 60 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Max Himpe - Fascinerend Stilleven? Bid from 99!
Max Himpe (1920-1955) Dutch German Fascinating Still Life
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 77 x 87 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Richard Lindner - Hit from Fun city? Bid from 300!
Richard Lindner (1901-1978) American Hit from Fun city
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 72 x 58 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Willem Witsen - Binnenkant met sneeuw? Bid from 1000!
Willem Witsen (1860-1923) Dutch Inside with snow
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 74 x 93 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Maurice Romberg - La Porte Bab Mansour, Meknès (Marokko)? Bid from 650!
Maurice Romberg (1862-1943) Belgian French Bab Mansour Gate, Meknes (Morocco)
Technique Etching
Dimensions 66 x 83 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Luigi Agricola - Afgeprijst : Koning David in zijn strijdwagen in jerusalem? Bid from 30!
Luigi Agricola (1750-1821) Italian Discounted: King David in his chariot in Jerusalem
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 43 x 51 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy John Frederick Herring - Prachtige oude prent , fox hunting ,ingelijst? Bid from 26!
John Frederick Herring (1795-1865) English Beautiful old print, fox hunting
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 29 x 36 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy David Hockney - Reclame; 'Hockney paints the stage' Zeldzaam aangeboden!? Bid from 65!
David Hockney (1937) English Advertisement; 'Hockney paints the stage' Rarely offered!
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 59 x 42 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy West Germany Ceramano - West Duitse Fat Lava? Bid from 20!
West Germany Ceramano (1959-1984) German West German Fat Lava
Dimensions 26.5 x 21.5 x 18 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Paul Swiridoff - Die Holzwege der Hap Grieshaber? Bid from 65!
Paul Swiridoff (1914-2002) German The Wooden Paths of Hap Grieshaber
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 38.5 x 38.5 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joan Gardy Artigas - Kleurenlitho SINGAPORE Handgesigneerd? Bid from 85!
Joan Gardy Artigas (1938) French Spanish Color lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 54 x 69 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Pablo Picasso - Picasso in his posters. 4 volumes. Compleet, nieuwstaat!? Bid from 250!
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) Spanish French Picasso in his posters. 4 volumes. Complete, mint condition!
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 31 x 25 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Harry Langdon - "Angelina Jolie" - Fotoshooting" 1991 - Los Angeles - Blindstempel? Bid from 80!
Harry Langdon (1934) American "Angelina Jolie" - Photoshoot" 1991 - Los Angeles - Blind stamp
Technique C-Print
Dimensions 35.5 x 28 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Lynn Chadwick - " WATCHERS " 1960 signiert .? Bid from 900!
Lynn Chadwick (1914-2003) English " WATCHERS " signed in 1960 .
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 37 x 25 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Henk Pieter Pander - Amerikaans Landschap 1967? Bid from 150!
Henk Pieter Pander (1937-2023) Dutch American American Landscape 1967
Technique Aquarelle
Dimensions 80 x 95 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Ueli Schmutz - Kom op voet? Bid from 10!
Ueli Schmutz (1932) Swiss Jar
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 12.5 x 14 x 14 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 908 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Donna L. Freedman - GEEN achtergrond verder 6/10 1975? Bid from 5000!
Donna L. Freedman (1951) American NO background further 6/10 1975
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 65 x 39 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Marouflé
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Armando - Kleurengiclee GESTALT Handgesign. 25 EX!? Bid from 159!
Armando (1929-2018) Dutch German Color Giclee GESTALT Handsigned. 25 EXC.!
Technique Giclée
Dimensions 61 x 37 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Rossini Perez - Novelo Laranja - aquatint? Bid from 40!
Rossini Perez (1931-2020) Brazilian Orange Ball - aquatint
Technique Etching/Aquatint
Dimensions 66 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Armando - Kleurengiclee DER DURCHGANG Handgesigneerd? Bid from 159!
Armando (1929-2018) Dutch German Color giclee THE THROUGH Hand signed
Technique Giclée
Dimensions 54 x 61 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Kosta Boda - vaas Rainbow serie Bertil Vallien? Bid from 65!
Kosta Boda (1742) Swedish vase Rainbow series Bertil Vallien
Dimensions 26 x 8.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Hendrik Pieter Koekkoek - "landschap met figuren"? Bid from 1550!
Hendrik Pieter Koekkoek (1843-1890) Dutch "landscape with figures"
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 42.5 x 54.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Sharon Amir - Please don't go? Bid from 35!
Sharon Amir (1957) Israeli Untitled
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 28 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Japanese Paper
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Michel Ciry - Les religieuses? Bid from 30!
Michel Ciry (1919-2018) French The Great Huntsman
Technique Drypoint
Dimensions 50 x 31 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Anton Vrede - Zonder titel? Bid from 25!
Anton Vrede (1953) Dutch Curaçaoan Untitled
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 63 x 90 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Alfonso Moreno - Romeinse veldslag waarin Tullia over het lijk van haar vader rijdt? Bid from 995!
Alfonso Moreno (1947) Spanish Roman battle in which Tullia rides over her father's corpse
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 120 x 140 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Armando - Kleurengiclee DAS MEER Handgesigneerd? Bid from 169!
Armando (1929-2018) Dutch German Color Giclee THE MORE Hand Signed
Technique Giclée
Dimensions 61 x 64 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Carole CARPIER - ASTRID (geïnspireerd door Banksy)? Bid from 189!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French ASTRID (inspired from Banksy)
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 21.5 x 6 x 8.5 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 200 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Carole CARPIER - LUCIFER? Bid from 249!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French LUCIFER
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 23 x 14 x 10 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 700 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Carole CARPIER - APPLE FEAST? Bid from 249!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French APPLE FEAST
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 11 x 18 x 13 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 580 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Carole CARPIER - ARIZONA? Bid from 189!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French ARIZONA
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 20.5 x 12 x 8 cm (h x w x d)
Weight 320 g
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Amedeo Modigliani - Sketchbook 1906-1907 facsimile? Bid from 35!
Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) Italian Sketchbook 1906-1907
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 16 x 25 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Andy Warhol - HOLY TERROR Andy warhol close up? Bid from 20!
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) American HOLY TERROR Andy warhol close up
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 24 x 17 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Andy Warhol - POP ART? Bid from 15!
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) American POP ART
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 30 x 24 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Roy Lichtenstein - Roy Lichtenstein 1970-1980 Jack Cowart? Bid from 40!
Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) American Roy Lichtenstein 1970-1980 Jack Cowart
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 30 x 23 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Yves Klein - YVES KLEIN? Bid from 35!
Yves Klein (1928-1962) French YVES KLEIN
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 30 x 25 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Andy Warhol - ANDY WARHOL A RETROSPECTIVE? Bid from 35!
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) American ANDY WARHOL A RETROSPECTIVE
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 28 x 24 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Marcel Duchamp - The complete works of Marcel Duchamp? Bid from 100!
Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) French American The complete works of Marcel Duchamp
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 31 x 25 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Leonardo Da Vinci - Alle schilderijen en tekeningen? Bid from 95!
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) Italian All paintings and drawings
Technique Hardcover
Dimensions 39 x 26 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jannis Kounellis - tentoonstellingsaffiche? Bid from 80!
Jannis Kounellis (1936-2017) Greek Italian exhibition poster
Technique Offset
Dimensions 84 x 50 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Sigmar Polke - tentoonstellingsaffiche? Bid from 50!
Sigmar Polke (1941-2010) German exhibition poster
Technique Offset
Dimensions 130 x 90 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Fernand Leger - tentoonstellingsaffiche Gouachen Aquarelle Zeichnungen? Bid from 75!
Fernand Leger (1881-1955) French tentoonstellingspostiche gouaches watercolors drawings
Technique Offset
Dimensions 83 x 59 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Robert Rauschenberg - tentoonstellingsaffiche? Bid from 70!
Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008) American exhibition poster
Technique Offset
Dimensions 84 x 60 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Oskar Koller - " HAUSWAND - KRETA "? Bid from 250!
Oskar Koller (1925-2004) German " HOUSE WALL - CRETE "
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 28 x 38 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Wei Ping - Lemon Girl? Bid from 200!
Wei Ping (1971) Chinese Lemon Girl
Technique Silkscreen
Dimensions 145 x 97 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid