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Artpeers is the leading platform for selling art!

Artpeers is the largest auction platform in the Netherlands and Flanders that focuses on buying and selling classical and modern art and design. With tens of thousands of active buyers, Artpeers has a large and varied audience for the art you want to sell.

Selling art through online auctions is dynamic and gives you quick results. You can sell art yourself at Artpeers. We do not charge any seller’s commission! You can easily create an auction for your artwork and once the auction has ended we put you in contact with the highest bidder.

We create an information page for every artist and link them to artist groups/movements. As a result, the works of art in auction are automatically placed in the correct art historical context. Bidders can not only mark artists but also sellers as their favorites at Artpeers. This way, they can see all your items in auction at a glance and they never have to miss anything interesting in your offer.

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Auctioning art yourself. How does it work?

  • Create an account
  • Create an auction for every item
  • Contact the buyer

Creating an auction

Step 1: Category, type and artist

Firstly, you select the category in which the item that you wish to auction falls: Arts or Applied Art & Design. Next, you select the type of work, for example a painting, photograph or print. Then you select the artist from our database. If the artist has not been included in our database (yet) and you want to know which artists we accept, you will find more information about our database of recognized artists in our Auction Rules.

Step 2: Information about the work

You will be asked to enter the characteristics of the work, such as the technique used, the condition and dimensions. Under Title and Description, you can add further relevant information about the item. This could include information about the provenance of the work, remarks about its condition and relevant information about the artist. Try to be as complete as possible: it will increase your chances of success. Finally, you add the pictures of the work. Attractive and clear pictures that show the work as a whole and details such as the signature are essential. You can find more auction tips here.

Step 3: Starting bid, shipment information and auction duration

Set a realistic starting bid. You can read here how to determine a starting bid. Please indicate where the item is located and tick off which delivery options you offer: collection or shipment by postal services. All that is left at this stage is accepting the Terms of Guarantee and launching the auction. You set de duration of the auction yourself: at least 4 days and at most 2 weeks. Pick the timing of your preference and launch the auction! If you do not wish to launch the auction immediately, you can put the item in stock and launch the auction at a later time.

Items must be offered at auction prices. If you do not know the auction value of your item, you can request a free auction estimate without obligation to sell.

Going once ... going twice ... sold!

Has your item been sold? Artpeers will immediately send you the contact details of the buyer by e-mail. You should contact the buyer within 3 days after the auction to make further arrangements to settle the transaction. The buyer must transfer you the total payment within 7 days (the hammer price augmented by the buyer’s premium of 15%, including VAT, and shipping costs, if applicable).

Your invoice from Artpeers

Around the 8th of the following month, Artpeers will send you your digital invoice by e-mail. This invoice consists of the buyer’s premium that you have charged the buyer for (15% on the hammer price, including VAT) and a flat administration fee of € 7,50 per item sold.

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