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Buy Hans Meid - Ets: Das bad beim Pantton? Bid from 85!
Hans Meid (1883-1957) German Ets: The bath at Pantton
Technique Etching
Dimensions 51 x 34 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Tamaz Abashidze - 2 etsen? Bid from 59!
Tamaz Abashidze (1952) Georgian Dutch 2 etchings
Technique Etching
Dimensions 56 x 42.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Dietz Edzard - Houtsnede? Bid from 45!
Dietz Edzard (1893-1963) German Woodcut
Technique Wood/Linocut
Dimensions 40.5 x 29.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Leon Danchin - Cocker Spaniel? Bid from 195!
Leon Danchin (1887-1939) French Cocker Spaniel
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 52 x 39 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Wolfgang Petrick - Litho: Köpfe - 1971? Bid from 49!
Wolfgang Petrick (1939) German Litho: Heads - 1971
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 65.5 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Hans Potthof - Litho: Op het strand? Bid from 99!
Hans Potthof (1911-2003) Swiss Litho: On the beach
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 63.5 x 90 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Willi Sitte - Ingelijste litho: Figuratief - 1999? Bid from 250!
Willi Sitte (1921-2013) German Czech ingelijste litho: Flight of birds at five o'clock in the afternoon - 1960
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 72 x 62 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Carlo Guarienti - Litho: Amsterdam - 1954? Bid from 49!
Carlo Guarienti (1923) Italian woodcut: still life - 2004
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 65 x 50 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Werner Eckelt - BUNDESPRÄSIDENT Theodor HEUSS im SCHLOSS BELLEVUE - Original Fotographie VINTAGE? Bid from 295!
Werner Eckelt (1914-1990) German BUNDESPRÄSIDENT Theodor HEUSS im SCHLOSS BELLEVUE - Original Fotographie VINTAGE
Technique Silver print (Classical Photo)
Dimensions 23 x 18 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
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Buy Albert Saverys - Stilleven met fruit, mand en groenten? Bid from 2000!
Albert Saverys (1886-1964) Belgian Still life with fruit, basket and vegetables
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 110 x 120 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Edouard Lèon  Louis Legrand - Original Federzeichnung Aquarell zu FRANZÖSISCHEN REVOLuTION Portrait MARAT- 1922 - handsigniert? Bid from 280!
Edouard Lèon Louis Legrand (1892-1970) French Original Federzeichnung Aquarell zu FRANZÖSISCHEN REVOLuTION Portrait MARAT- 1922 - handsigniert
Technique Pen (Ink)
Dimensions 25 x 16 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Willy Jaeckel - ets/aquatint - Dante's Hell "Die Griffiede Komedie"? Bid from 49!
Willy Jaeckel (1888-1944) German ets/aquatint - Dante's Hell "The Griffin Comedy"
Technique Etching
Dimensions 36 x 27.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
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Buy Antoni Clave - ***handsignierte Originalgraphik***? Bid from 250!
Antoni Clave (1913-2005) Spanish French ***hand signed original graphic***
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 50 x 38 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Handmade Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Armando - Litho: Das rad - 1992? Bid from 250!
Armando (1929-2018) Dutch German screen print: I, Jan Cremer - 1980 (neat frame!)
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 40 x 30 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Edvard Frank - 5 Original Erotische zeichnungen? Bid from 690!
Edvard Frank (1909-1972) German 5 Original Erotic Drawings
Technique Brush (Ink)
Dimensions 29 x 21 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Albert Servaes - Kerstnacht? Bid from 900!
Albert Servaes (1883-1966) Belgian Swiss Christmas night
Technique Charcoal
Dimensions 92 x 104.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Hans Meid - Droge naald ets? Bid from 75!
Hans Meid (1883-1957) German Dry needle etching
Technique Etching
Dimensions 47 x 29.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Anatol Herzfeld - Tusche/Collage auf Hartfaser Unikat? Bid from 890!
Anatol Herzfeld (1931-2019) German Ink/Collage on hardboard unique
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 21.3 x 31 x 1 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
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Buy Shusaku Arakawa - Derrière le Miroir? Bid from 50!
Shusaku Arakawa (1936-2010) American Behind the Mirror
Technique Magazine
Dimensions 38 x 28 cm (h x w)
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Buy Antoni Tapies - Derrière le miroir? Bid from 350!
Antoni Tapies (1923-2012) Spanish Behind the mirror
Technique Magazine
Dimensions 38 x 28 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Corneille - Oude Cobra-tekening: De Badgasten - 1949? Bid from 2500!
Corneille (1922-2010) Oude Cobra-tekening: De Badgasten - 1949
Technique Pencil
Dimensions 29.5 x 29.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Nobuyoshi Araki - Monstrous Paradise Nr.148 (XL)? Bid from 500!
Nobuyoshi Araki (1940) Japanese Monstrous Paradise Nr.144
Technique C-Print
Dimensions 50 x 62 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Carole CARPIER - EMPREINTES? Bid from 360!
Carole CARPIER (1978) French EMPREINTES
Technique Acrylic
Dimensions 70 x 70 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed On stretcher
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Pierre Auguste Renoir - Bastei Galerie Der Grossen Maler? Bid from 10!
Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) French Bastei Gallery of the Great Painters
Technique Soft cover
Dimensions 35 x 26 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Pavel Strnadel - sterrenhemel? Bid from 35!
Pavel Strnadel (1951) Czech starry sky
Technique Pastel/Crayon
Dimensions 22.5 x 17 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Pavel Strnadel - Bergdorp? Bid from 35!
Pavel Strnadel (1951) Czech Mountain village
Technique Pastel/Crayon
Dimensions 22.4 x 17 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - De maan, gouache op papier, 1969? Bid from 1800!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian De maan, gouache op papier, 1969
Technique Gouache
Dimensions 26 x 15 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Corneille - Signed Keramische Menorah? Bid from 2150!
Corneille (1922-2010) Dutch Belgian Signed Ceramic Menorah
Technique Ceramic
Dimensions 31 x 28 x 7 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Gustave Boulanger - Grote Poster Van Gogh Museum? Bid from 50!
Gustave Boulanger (1824-1888) French Large Poster Van Gogh Museum
Technique Other
Dimensions 170 x 120 cm (h x w)
Starting bid
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Buy Daniel Monic - litho Trophée Laurent-Perrier - BMW 1990? Bid from 35!
Daniel Monic (1948-2015) French Litho Trophy Laurent Perrier-BMW 1990 nr 45/90
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 81 x 61 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy AJ Barnes - 'Geketende melodie' (2014)? Bid from 85!
AJ Barnes (1962) American 'Chained Melody' (2014)
Technique C-Print
Dimensions 38 x 30 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Starting bid
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Buy Gaston Castello - Alicante? Bid from 99!
Gaston Castello (1903-1986) Spanish Mediterraneo
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 53 x 42 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed Framed
Starting bid
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Buy Fritz Eichenberg - orig. holz/linoschnitt auf papier - Heilige Drei Könige - bleistift signiert? Bid from 50!
Fritz Eichenberg (1901-1990) German American orig. wood/linocut on paper - Three Kings - pencil signed
Technique Wood/Linocut
Dimensions 20 x 18 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Only in Passe-partout
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joseph Beuys - Gesigneerd “Kümmel” uit “Das Wirtschaftswert-Prinzip” in fraaie presentatie? Bid from 1190!
Joseph Beuys (1921-1986) German Signed “Kümmel” from “Das Wirtschaftswert-Prinzip” in beautiful presentation
Technique Mixed printing techniques
Dimensions 36 x 32 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jasper Johns - Two Flags, The 50th Anniversary of the Whitney Museum of American Art? Bid from 300!
Jasper Johns (1930) American Two Flags, The 50th Anniversary of the Whitney Museum of American Art
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 116 x 77 cm (h x w)
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Gabriela Oltean-Lungu - Scenes van Christus' leven? Bid from 100!
Gabriela Oltean-Lungu (1944) Dutch Romanian Scenes from the life of Christ
Technique Mixed media
Dimensions 30 x 30 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Glass
Framed Framed
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Jan Riske - Monumentaal schilderij Third Runway en is Olieverf op doek.? Bid from 1600!
Jan Riske (1932-2023) Dutch Monumental painting Third Runway and is Oil on canvas.
Technique Oil paint
Dimensions 183 x 395 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Canvas
Framed On stretcher
Starting bid
Bid Bid
Buy Joshua Vides - bord Reality to idea? Bid from 70!
Joshua Vides (1989) American bord Reality to idea
Dimensions 23.5 x 23.5 x 3 cm (h x w x d)
Signed Marked/Brand sticker
Starting bid
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Buy Horst Janssen - "Selbstbildnis für Griffelkunst" 1966 Lithographie? Bid from 250!
Horst Janssen (1929-1995) German "Self-portrait for Griffelkunst" 1966 Lithograph
Technique Lithograph
Dimensions 63 x 48.5 cm (h x w)
Signed Hand signed
Support Paper
Starting bid
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Buy Oliviero Toscani - Adam en Eva? Bid from 75!
Oliviero Toscani (1942-2025) Italian Adam and Eve
Technique Photo collage
Dimensions 97 x 137 cm (h x w)
Signed Unsigned/Print signed
Starting bid
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